Saturday, 30 June 2012

Tasmania top 5

Growing up in Tasmania I was surrounded with some of the most sensational produce Australia has to offer.
I don't think I truly appreciated the gorgeous "apple isle" until leaving there 9 years ago, I have had several trips back over the years and still it never ceases to amaze me.

There is way to many possibilities as to what to write about when it comes to this topic but I am going to try by creating a top 5 list of fabulous Tasmania products

Ok so... No.1 Salmon!
Tasmania is one of the best producers of Atlantic Salmon. The pristine conditions and water temperatures is what helps them farm these beautiful fish, the environment is also beneficial in the breeding process as the farms are more natural to the salmons habitat preventing risks of disease.
With health benefits such as being high in protein, iron, magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin B this is a fish that should be enjoyed more often!

No.2 Honey
Honey is developed by bees using the nectar from flowers it is used to sweeten, preserve or to eat as you please. In western Tasmania the rainforest is home to the beautiful Leatherwood trees in summer they start to flower and it is then that these little busy bees produce Leatherwood honey. Leatherwood honey is thick, creamy and amber-yellow in color and I personally don't think it is as sweet as other honeys.

No.3 Cheese

Ah.. Cheese, There are several awarded Tasmanian cheeserys around including Ashgrove, King Island, Heidi Farm and even Mersey Valley.
With cool climates and some of the best dairy farmers in Australia it's no wonder they produce lovely cheese.

No.4 Oysters
Barilla Bay is one of the best places for Pacific oysters in Tasmania.
They have a small family run oyster farm and a beautiful restaurant that showcases these ugly little creatures.
Nutritionally speaking Oysters are an excellent source of zinc, iron, calcium as well as Vitamin A and Vitamin B12.
They are considered the healthiest when eaten raw shucked right from their shells, I think though with these little fellas you love them or hate them.

And lucky last No.5 Apples
They don't call us "the apple isle" for nothing.
Tassie is home to a lot of varieties of apples from Democrats, Red, Granny Smiths, Jonathans, and Red and Golden Delicious to the Less common Pink Ladies, Jonogold and Braeburn, a delicious snack at anytime of day.

As your driving through "the apple isle be on the Look out for roadside signs advertising apples and pears. Most are sold on an honour system. You help yourself from a small stall or shed and leave the money in a tin or a bucket.
I think that's a great way to have your produce admired by getting people to appreciate the effort that goes not only into the growing and farming but the picking as well.

Well there is my top 5 hope you all got something out of it, I am now thinking I am going to book another trip to Tasmania soon!

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